Physical geography Gs1 ( interior of the Earth 🌎)

                                  Interior of the Earth 

Earth is geoid in shape. We live on the surface of the the , Earth interior is divided into 3 parts which are following as- 

1. SiAl ( crust) :- SiAl is the upper part of the Earth.  SiAl is the composition of  Silica and Alluminium. Sial thickness is near about 34 km . We can divided crust into 2 part -

A. Continental crust 

B. Oceanic crust

             :- Continental crust is made up of  sial , it is the more  thik that Oceanic crust.  Oceanic crust is made up of the sima ( silica and magnesium)  because of the oceanic crust is nearer to the mantle. Oceanic maximum depth is 5 to 8 km Mariana tranche is the exception of oceanic crust near about 11km depth. Crust is solid in nature. 

SiMa ( mantle) :::-  Mantle is the middle layer of Earth and it is made up of silica and magnesium.  Mantle is the largest part of Earth. Thickness of Earth is near about 35 to 2900 km . Mantle is divided into 2 parts-

A. UPPER Mantle 

B. Lower Mantle 

                 UPPER Mantle is the semi solid in nature  due to the very high pressure and temperature. Due to the very high pressure and temperature this portion of Mantle is not full solid and not fully liquid so I can say same liquid or jelly like. And the thickness of upper mantle is 35 to 700km.

Lower mantle is solid in nature , thickness of lower mantle is from 700 to 2900km . 

Lithosphere:- Lithosphere is consist of crust and UPPER most mantle.  The thickness of Lithosphere is 100 to 200km . We will see in plate tectonic moving of the plate.  The portion that is moving or sliding over  asthenosphere that is Lithosphere which move over .Lithosphere is solid in nature. 

Asthenosphere:-  Due to the very high pressure and temperature asthenosphere is sami- liquid in nature.  Asthenosphere is the portion of upper mantle from 200 to 700km. Asthenosphere is the zone of earthquake. 

When Asthenosphere sami liquid started moving , due  to the movement in asthenosphere then vibration started in the Earth that is known as earthquake, In other words shaking of earth is earthquake somewhere it is very high and same where is low frequent. 

Due to the movement in the asthenosphere, due to the  very high pressure and temperature they try to come out , in the weak zone or weak or faulty places they came up in the form of Lava after many time they solidified and created the mountain ⛰and soils , soil made up of volcano 🌋is very fertile due to the minerals rich content in volcanic eruption.  Volcanic fenomena simple occurs due to the less thickness and nearer to the mantle.

Nife ( Core) :-  core is made up of the nikel and ferrus. Most of the part of Core is iron.  Thickness of core is 2900km to 6371 km. Core is further divided into two parts-

A. Outer core:-  Outer core is liquid in nature , core is made up of iron so in the asthenosphere movement in lava,  Outer core is electronically charged it cause the increasing temperature in this parts and pressure is already more than others so is this the liquid in nature Outer core is also known as Burisphere. 

B . Inner core :- Inner core is solid in nature  , this is the most Inner part of Earth made up of iron. 


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