
Showing posts from August, 2021

Ancient history Gs1 ( vedic era)

                                    VEDIC PERIOD  After the decline of Indus Valley Civilization roughly 300 years has not found any evidences. After the the time when VEDIC PERIOD was started. Generally VEDIC PERIOD was more different than the Indus valley civilization because Indus Valley Civilization peoples were belongs to the urban area therefore they were known as urban civilization but VEDIC PERIOD was rural civilization. People were main occupation was to pastrolist after some time they were move towards the agriculture and started to live on the one place and started to emerged as a state. 

Ancient history Gs1 ( Chalcolithic culture)

                                    Chalcolithic culture  Chalcolithic word stand for the uses of copper and stone at the same  point of time.  As compare to Indus Valley Civilization Chalcolithic communities were rural people in nature.  Their main occupation was the agriculture, FISHING,  poultry etc.  There were many pockets of  Chalcolithic culture in India, which are as follows- 1)  Ahar- Banas in Rajasthan  2) Malwa- MADYA PRADESH AND Gujarat  3) kayatha- Rajasthan  4) sualda - Maharashtra  Pottery of Chalcolithic culture ;-                            Chalcolithic people created wheel made pottery which were basically red and black colour and also ochre in colour.          One of the major achievements of this period was star...

Ancient history Gs1 ( Indus Valley Civilization)

                                  INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION  :-Indus valley civilization is also known as Harappan Civilization or bronze civilization. :- The area of Indus Valley Civilization roughly closer  to shape of a triangle.The area  of Indus Valley Civilization in North (mand  Jammu and Kashmir )and in ( East Alamgirpur Uttar Pradesh) and in (south Daimabad Maharashtra) and (west suktagendar in  Pakistan and Afghanistan.)       Sites of Indus Valley :- In 1920 Archaeological Survey of India headed by  J.HMarshall  decided to go for exevation in western Punjab and Sindh province.  the task of exevation was entrusted which two Indian archaeologist  Dayaram Sahni and R.Dbanarji  in 1921 hadappa was exevated by R.D banarji and In 1922 Mohenjodaro was exevated by  R.D Banerji .     ...

Ancient history Gs1 ( pre- history)

                                 PRE-HISTORY  PRE-HISTORY MEANS THERE ARE NO WRITTEN EVIDENCE AVAILABLE . :- HUMAN BEING 1ST TIME APPEARED IN THE MIDDLE OF PLISTOCENE EPOCH. :- MESOZOIC WAS THE FIRST TIME OF EVOLUTION.  :- THE PRESENT PHASE OF HUMAN BEING EVOLUTION IS KNOWN AS HOLOCENE. :- The early human history can be traced with the help of stone tools used by them and also the painting which which day created inside the cave were they lived . := On the basis of stone tools used by them the early human history can be divided into three phases. (1 )  PALEOLITHIC PHASE:- IT IS FURTHER SUB DIVIDED IN TO 3                                                             PHASES .    A. LOWER PALEOLITHIC PHASE ( 5LAKH BCE TO 1LAKH BCE...

Ancient history of India

                        Timeline of events ANCIENT INDIAN HISTORY  1== Pre-history (5lakh BCE to 6 lakh BCE) - -  Pre-history is divided into 3 sub- categories.  (A)  Paleolithic Phase (5lakh BCE to 10k BCE) (B) Mesolithic Phase ( 10k BCE to 6k BCE)  (C) Neolithic Phase (6k BCE to 3k BCE). 2. INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION (2600 BCE TO 1800 BCE)  3. CALCOLITHIC CULTURE (1800 BCE TO 1500 BCE)  AVENT OF ARYANS IN 1500 BCE  4 . VEDIC PERIOD (1500 BCE TO 600 BCE )     VEDIC PERIOD IS DIVIDED INTO TWO PHASE      A. EARLY VEDIC PERIOD (1500 BCE TO 1000 BCE )    B. LATER VEDIC PERIOD ( 1000 BCE TO 600 BCE)  :-  IN THE 6TH CENTURY BCE RISE OF RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT BASICALLY BUDDHISM  ☸AND JAINISM.  :- THIS WAS THE TIME PERIOD WHEN 16 MAHAJANAPADAS CAME IN EXISTENCE AND IN ALL 16 MAHAJANAPADAS MAGADHA WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT πŸ”₯AND VERY POWER MAHAJ...

Physical geography Gs1 ( interior of the Earth 🌎)

                                  Interior of the Earth  Earth is geoid in shape. We live on the surface of the the , Earth interior is divided into 3 parts which are following as-  1 . SiAl ( crust) :- SiAl is the upper part of the Earth.  SiAl is the composition of  Silica and Alluminium. Sial thickness is near about 34 km . We can divided crust into 2 part - A. Continental crust  B. Oceanic crust              :- Continental crust is made up of  sial , it is the more  thik that Oceanic crust.  Oceanic crust is made up of the sima ( silica and magnesium)  because of the oceanic crust is nearer to the mantle. Oceanic maximum depth is 5 to 8 km Mariana tranche is the exception of oceanic crust near about 11km depth. Crust is solid in nature.  SiMa ( mantle) :::-  Mantle is the middle l...


Image                               Continental Drift theory :- Rifting and drifting of the continent ,which has gives rise to  present the arrangement of the continents as well as change in the climate region of the world. Basic assumption of the theory::- :- Rial floating on Seema the force responsible for the drifting of the Earth is  1.Tidal force  2.  The gravitational force Theory:= Before the carboniferous Period there was a supercontinent PANGIYA, which was surrounded by the super Ocean known as PANTHALASSA in the curboniferous period broken into two parts Northern part and southern part. Northern part was known as Laurasia  and southern part who was known as Gondwanaland, after carboniferous period they broken part was started drifting North and South wards .This phase is known as opening of the tethys sea . The Laurasia land further broken  into North...